Undergraduate Coursework
Revisiting "We Real Cool"
A Gratuitous and Indulgent Rhetorical Essay About "The King of Staten Island"
Intro to Professional Writing
University of Cincinnati
Fall 2020
This tongue in cheek presentation of rhetorical themes as well as a critical view of the film, The King of Staten Island, was written for Intro to Rhetorical Writing and showcases analytical skill while (attempting to) entertain the reader.
I choose to create a video essay because in an introductory course, I had the freedom to try something I never had before. In order to do so, my script eventually became a written essay itself so both mediums are presented here. The exploration of the medium is exciting and give me new areas to seek out improvement with editing and narration but here, the quality of analysis shines, even with a novice approach to its presentation.

Be The Light Website
Rhetoric and Professional Writing Capstone
University of Cincinnati
Summer 2021
This final project for my undergraduate degree was the result of unexpected renewal. The group that I was in imploded, leaving me half the time of original groups to pick up the pieces of our lessons, find a new client, and start a new assignment.
The result was, in my opinion, legendary. The client was a counseling service that primarily serves the Black community in the Cincinnati area. I designed the website from scratch and revised existing copy. A big focus of the new design was optimizing organization and creating a visual theme of growth and transition. The project, which included the website, a customizable flier (Canva), a report and instructions for the client (.docx), and presentation of the project (.pptx) received a good grade, but more importantly, the client loved the redesign.
APC Funding Trends Report
Copyediting and Publishing Internship
University of Cincinnati
Summer 2022
This APC Funding Trends Report was used by the University of Cincinnati Press as a reference when developing a grant program to provide APC funding to faculty, promoting open access publishing.
This report was my second for the Press. My first had been a time-sink. I created a long report based on the websites of other universities that was never read or used. As it stands, this portfolio piece wasn’t used until months later. With little promise of my work being read, I knew that I needed to temper the amount of labor hours used, maximizing the value of my hourly wage to my employer and raising my value to the organization.

Introduction Video
Web Authoring
University of Cincinnati
Spring 2021
This introduction was my first assignment for this course. It was a great exercise in giving a candid idea of who I am and what I value, but also taking the opportunity to develop multiple skills by doing more than asked.
I went on to create more introduction videos throughout my classes. Instead of a simple discussion post, I was able to create small projects that gave me editing experience during a time of the semester that usually doesn’t have a heavy workload, engaging creatively with my courses as soon as they begin.
"I Am Your Mother" Podcast
Multimedia Writing
University of Cincinnati
Fall 2021
In this course we produced productional videos, developed scripts and wrote storyboards to complete a set of assignments that encouraged us to gain a versatile skillset. For this assignment, we developed a podcast that could conceivably have longevity. We were asked to include a hypothetical ad as well as other features found in popular podcasts.
There are things executed well in this podcast. Concept development worked well. The show's co-host format works well and is engaging throughout. The show sensibly toes the line of sensationalism without becoming too vulgar. The podcast shows basic editing skills. This podcast also shows areas in which I could grow and pursue more knowledge about audio recording and recording equipment. This assignment is one of the best I completed because I learned so much that I can apply to future forays into audio production.

Desktop Publishing
University of Cincinnati
Fall 2021
In this course we designed a variety of documents for different audiences and purposes. This assignment asked for three different logos for a hypothetical client.
It just so happened that earlier in the year my father requested a logo for his jazz ensemble, Generation Jones. Since I am his child, I was morally obligated to delay doing what was asked of me. This assignment was a great opportunity to work with a discerning client who would be candid about successes and failures. It also is a subject matter that I have some knowledge in, having grown up in a jazz musician's household. I used Adobe Illustrator to create these designs. I was relieved that the drafting process was organic, with little change from concept to the executed result.
This assignment was incredibly successful with the client. My father was happy with every design. He felt that each one could be used in apparel or merchandise, while choosing one for general branding.
My Mother Wrote
Creative Writing and Literary Publishing
University of Cincinnati
Fall 2021
When asked to read "Why I Write" by Terry Tempest Williams, we were prompted to write our own reasons in a way that would also express our style. The following entry shows growth from my short "water" nonfiction piece. It also represents my artistic motivations clearly. Sharing my work with my mother is truly the greatest highlight of creative writing for me.
My mother wrote. She guided my pen as she taught me to do the same. She was an unwanted child that became a loving adult. The tenebrous chasm between the two identities engulfed her. It opened up below her feet and grasped at her ankles as she fell. My mother built a wealth of loneliness, an estate of sadness, a richness I inherited along with her faith, running in my veins. My mother conducted audits of memory, grief, before she memorialized the good moments, our fleeting laughs forged through our bond. When I write, I am my mother’s daughter.

Revisiting "We Real Cool"
Forms of Poetry
University of Cincinnati
Fall 2022
This poetic analysis was assigned at the end of the term to demonstrate basic knowledge of poetry gained throughout the course. A large part of this assignment was selecting the right poem that we could grasp and derive a depth of analysis from.
I enjoyed writing this analysis. It is a popular poem, so it meant a lot to me to get positive feedback about this essay from a professor well acquainted with the poem. Chicago is an important place to me, so being able to analyze the work of a Chicago-based poet before I completed my undergraduate program was a great experience. It was not a course I needed to graduate, so I felt very lucky to have the opportunity to take it for my own development as a writer.
Runner's World Article Layout
Desktop Publishing
University of Cincinnati
Fall 2021
This assignment was an exercise in using InDesign and emulating the style of an existing publication. We were provided with a text article and told to create a two-page spread that adhered to the style of sample excerpts of the publications.​
This was a great introduction to InDesign. It showed us just how powerful the program is and helped us learn how to analyze an existing style and duplicate it, a skill that is invaluable when working on a series or regular publication.